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Foto van schrijverErlend Hollebosch

Beyond the battle of Frameworks: Embrace diversity, find unity in Solutions.

The human factor in Agile corruption

It's crucial that we don't allow project leadership to fall into the hands of gurus, dogmatic leaders, and those driven solely by profit. Their primary interest often lies in financial gain, not the true success of the projects.
In recent years, there has been growing scepticism and disillusionment among practitioners and organizations. This shift in perception is largely attributed to the exploitation of Agile values, principles and frameworks by certain individuals and groups for personal gain, rather than adhering to their core principles.

The Erosion of Trust

1.Commercialization and Misrepresentation

2.Dogmatism and Rigid Interpretations

3.Exploitation and Conmen

No one-size-fits-all

The Cynefin framework, developed by Dave Snowden, is a decision-making model that provides a typology for understanding the complexity within different environments and situations. This framework is particularly useful in illustrating why there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach in agile frameworks or project management methodologies.

1.Complexity of Projects Varies: The Cynefin framework categorizes problems into simple, complicated, complex, and chaotic. Each type of problem requires a different approach. In project management, this translates to recognizing that each project is unique and may require a different methodology. What works for a simple, well-defined project (where traditional project management might be best) won’t work for a complex or chaotic project, where an agile approach might be more suitable.

2.Context-Driven Approaches: Agile methodologies shine in complex environments where the relationships between cause and effect are only discernible in retrospect. The Cynefin framework argues for a context-driven approach, where practices are tailored based on the nature of the project environment. This reinforces the idea that no single agile framework or project management methodology can be universally effective across all project types.

3.Emergent Practices in Complex Environments: In complex environments, as highlighted in the Cynefin framework, solutions often emerge through experimentation and cannot be determined in advance. This principle is at the core of many agile methodologies, which focus on iterative development and responding to change. However, this also means that a rigid application of any single agile framework may not yield the best results in such scenarios.

thinking person sitting on desk

4.Navigating Chaotic Environments: In chaotic environments, where there is high uncertainty and no clear cause-and-effect relationships, rapid action and innovation are required. Agile methodologies are useful here, but the framework chosen must allow for extreme flexibility and rapid pivoting, which might not be the case with all agile frameworks.

5.Leveraging the Strengths of Various Methodologies: The Cynefin framework suggests that a blend of practices might be necessary, especially in complicated contexts where there's a mix of known and unknown elements. This supports the idea of combining traditional and agile methodologies, depending on the specific requirements and challenges of the project.

6.Adaptive and Reflective Practices: The framework emphasizes learning and adapting as key components in managing complexity. This means continuously reflecting on and adapting the project management approach, which is a core principle of agile but suggests that the specific agile framework used might need to be adjusted or even changed as the project progresses.

In summary, the Cynefin framework supports the argument that there is no universal solution in project management methodologies or agile frameworks. It advocates for a nuanced understanding of the project's context and the adoption of methodologies that best
suit the specific characteristics and challenges of that context. This inherently means recognizing the limitations of any single approach and being open to a hybrid or adaptive methodology that can better address the unique complexities of each project.

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